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A Bit About Me

More Info About Me

Hi, my name is Amber, I live in West Yorkshire with my husband Tom, and two little boys Austin and Travis.

I don’t remember being particularly scared about birth as my plan was to go with the flow, take all the pain relief I could and hope for the best!

I first discovered hypnobirthing when I was pregnant with Austin almost 3 years ago! Little did I know the impact it would have on my upcoming birth, but also to my life!

Luckily my husband Tom was listening to radio 2 one morning on his way to work and Chris Evans had a guest speaker talking all about hypnobirthing. He said it sounded really interesting, and that night we did a bit of research and booked on a local group course.

I had no idea how little we both knew about labour and birth until we attended the course! We left feeling so positive and able to approach birth feeling in control.

Although my two labours were completely different they were both such amazingly positive experiences and I genuinely felt like superwoman!

I trained to become a hypnobirthing teacher so that I can empower others to achieve a positive birth experience! My clients go from feeling scared, apprehensive and uninformed to feeling full of knowledge and in control!

A small investment to your upcoming birth and antenatal education will have an impact on the way you view that day for the rest of your life!

You’ll only birth this baby once so make sure you’re prepared!

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